Algae Control and Solids Removal – Biodome System
Abs: High levels of TSS can make the water lose its ability to support a diversity of aquatic life. Adequate treatment is necessary to ensure that TSS is not present at levels of concern in the water. TSS can also result from algae growth. The Bio-Dome technology showed a remarkable impact in reducing the concentrations of TSS and algae in lagoon, as well in the other pond systems.
Total suspended solids (TSS) includes all particles suspended in water which will not pass
through a defined filter. High levels of TSS can make the water lose its ability to support a
diversity of aquatic life. Adequate treatment is necessary to ensure that TSS is not present at
levels of concern in the water. TSS can also result from algae growth (Figure 1). When the
lagoon contains adequate nutrients, warm temperature, and enough light, algae will grow. Algal
blooms can result in supersaturated oxygen conditions in the daytime and anaerobic conditions at
night. It is necessary to remove algae in order to protect the water quality, as well as make
disinfection efforts more efficient.
Bio-Dome, is a submerged, aerated, fixed-film, bio-reactor. The Bio-Dome technology showed a remarkable impact in reducing the concentrations of TSS and algae in lagoon, as well in the other pond systems. The Bio-Dome system consists of concentrically nested domes that are infused with air from the bottom (Figure 2). They sit on the floor of a lagoon and are completely submerged (Figure 2). As the air and water flows through them, bottom-to-top, beneficial bacteria effectively reduce contaminants in the water. Additionally, the unique design of the Bio-Domes results in a high oxygen transfer efficiency (OTE) with minimum energy input. One key feature of the Bio-Domes is their modular nature which allows for seamless growth with the community in order to meet increased populations sizes, loading, and even more stringent effluent requirements. Bio-Dome has demonstrated the ability to remove 2.16 lb TSS/d/unit. The bacteria that grow inside a Bio-Dome system can efficiently biodegrade TSS, and simultaneously delay the buildup of sludge on the bottom of the lagoon.
The Bio-Dome system can reduce algae for the following reasons: 1) the airlift action in the BioDome can circulate the algae into areas of less efficient sun whereupon the algae dies off and
become the organic source for the bacteria inside the Bio-Dome. Figure 2 is the underside of one
of the Bio-Dome units removed from one of the installations. The streaks of green amongst the
brown of the fixed-film are the remains of algae that has been sucked into the Bio-Dome. 2) The
fixed-film bacteria in the Bio-Dome out-compete with the algae for nutrients, which are used for
cell growth. 3) The mixing action of Bio-Dome prevents the single cellular algae from maintaining optimal equilibrium in the water column where it is able to reproduce most rapidly.