International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT) -2019/3
Date: March 21-24, 2019
Location: Beijing, China
Cycle: Annual
Abstract: For the year of 2019, the ICWMT 14 will be held in Beijing, China, from 21st to 24th, March 2019. Themed with “To Build A No-waste Society”, prominent researchers and government officials will be invited to give keynote speeches on the pressing issues of solid waste management, chemicals and circular economy during the conference.
Conference Information
The International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT) initiated by Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific has been held for 13times since its inception in 2005. This conference is an important international platform for specialists and officials to discuss scientific thoughts on solid waste management, exchange advanced experiences, and look for innovative solutions.
For the year of 2019, the ICWMT 14 will be held in Beijing, China, from 21st to 24th, March 2019. Themed with “To Build A No-waste Society”, prominent researchers and government officials will be invited to give keynote speeches on the pressing issues of solid waste management, chemicals and circular economy during the conference. The ICWMT14 will provide an excellent opportunity to have a field trip.
Topics include:
– Hazard Waste Management and Risk Prevention | – Integrated Utilization of Industrial Solid Waste | – Management and Policy of Regional Chemicals |
– Biomasswaste Treatment and Utilization as Resources and Energy | – Construction Waste Disposal and Utilization as Resource and Energy | – Remediation of Contaminated Sites and Environmental Regulation |
– Municipal Solid Waste Classification and Disposal Technology | – Recycling and Pollution Controlling of WEEE | – Circular Economy and the Development of Urban Mining |
Exhibition Services
* The new conference and exhibition section of EnvGuide is designed to provide high-quality environmental exhibition information resources for the public. In order to improve communication between domestic and foreign enterprises, and the major institutions in China and the United States provide comprehensive exhibition access services.
Exhibition services include:
- Early demand consultation
- Activity screening, coordination and registration
- Venue and booth arrangement
- Omni-directional itinerary
- Accompaniment and interpretation
- Document material design and content optimization
- Overseas companies and technology screening
- Field visits
- Overseas market expansion consulting
- Marketing and promotion
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