Release Discovery and Confirmation for UST
Early detection of an UST release is important, as is determining the source of the release, the type of fuel released, the occurrence of imminently threatened receptors, and the appropriate initial response.
A typical leaking underground storage tank (LUST) scenario involves the release of a fuel product from an underground storage tank (UST) that can contaminate surrounding soil, groundwater, or surface waters, or affect indoor air spaces. Early detection of an UST release is important, as is determining the source of the release, the type of fuel released, the occurrence of imminently threatened receptors, and the appropriate initial response. The primary objective of the initial response is to determine the nature and extent of a release as soon as possible.
Warning signs of a release can be identified through inspection and monitoring, inventory control, and leak-detection technology. Once the release is confirmed, notification to the appropriate government agency must follow particular state or tribal requirements. In some cases, emergency response actions must be taken immediately without waiting for government approval or oversight.
Release Sources
Identifying the specific portion of the tank or tank system that has caused a subsurface release is a critical first step. Common vulnerable areas include the bottoms of USTs (particularly underneath the manhole where gauging sticks are or were formerly used), associated piping, UST fill manholes, dispensing pumps, and areas known likely to have installation issues. Piping failures are especially common at UST junction points and when ground settlement in the vicinity of an UST varies from one end of a tank to the other.
Preventing Underground Storage Tank Release:
Guidance from EPA on how to prevent UST releases, including spill protection, overfill protection, and corrosion protection.
Warning Signs of a Release
Releases are detected in various ways. Leak detection equipment may signal a release, or unexpected water may be detected in a tank. There may be a spill identified while delivering fuel into an UST or dispensing fuel at the point of sale. Releases may also be identified during tank upgrades or replacements as these activities are also known to be common causes of releases.
Often, inventory control can alert the UST operator of a release, which may be discovered as a discrepancy in the inventory of fuel delivered versus the fuel dispensed from the UST. Newer UST systems have automatic tank gauging systems that can immediately identify a discrepancy using electronic measurement sensors and sound an alarm.
Release Confirmation
Confirming that a release has occurred from an UST should be done systematically. A first step is to determine if the UST system and monitoring equipment are operating correctly. Sensors that monitor releases may need to be checked to ensure that they are functioning properly. Another step may involve checking fuel delivery receipts to examine inventory. Once the equipment and inventory have been checked, a release can be confirmed by testing the tightness of the UST system using government and industry acceptable methods. Tank tightness is an indication of leaks, including very small or slow leaks.
Immediate Response Actions
Once a leak is confirmed, immediate response actions must be taken to minimize or eliminate the source of the release and to reduce potential harm to human health, safety, and the environment. Each state has unique requirements for initiating responses to a release, and it is up to the UST owner or operator to conduct actions in compliance with his/her local rules. State, local, and tribal contacts can help identify qualified professionals who will be able to provide quick assistance to help reduce costs and liability.
Immediate responses may include removing flammable or explosive materials from the release area and preventing discharges to stormwater utilities, wetlands, and surface waters. It may also be necessary to provide bottled water for individuals, families, or businesses that rely on groundwater for drinking, bathing, and food preparation. The intrusion of petroleum vapors into indoor building spaces has become an important concern and may require the active ventilation of indoor building spaces.
Standard Guide for Developing and Implementing Short-Term Measures or Early Actions for Site Remediation:
Coordinator: EnvGuide Team